Environment Group

How can we change our behavior to mitigate climate change? How does choice architecture need to be designed to enable sustainable choices at the consumer level and beyond? What needs to happen, behaviorally and collectively, to achieve 2.0 degrees?

At Bescy's BeSci + the Environment special interest group, we want to discuss solutions at the intersection of sustainability and behavioral science. We will discuss best practices across various locations and contexts, to better undertand what could help drive the systemic changes needed to tackle the triple environmental crisis and its effects. If you are interested in the field, we warmly invite you to join our online gatherings!

Learn more & Get Involved

This is a new group, and we're organizing our first event now. If you're interested in learning about events from the group, please join Bescy's overall mailing list (or update your settings) and select "Besci + the Environment" as one of your interests.   You can also reach out group organizers at environmentgroup@bescy.org.